A guided, self-help programme which aims to give you the skills to understand, protect and improve your mental health.

Your mental health matters. We believe that anyone who is experiencing mental health problems should be able to get the help and support they need, when they need it.

Supported Self Help is a 6-session, early intervention programme for anyone who is starting to experience symptoms of worsening mental health. It has been developed with people who have lived experience of mental health problems and professionals to provide tools to support your mental wellbeing as soon as you need it.

How does it work?

Trained mental health practitioners deliver one-to-one sessions via online video calls, telephone calls or face-to-face in local community venues across Leicestershire – whichever option is best for you and your needs. Leicester City and Rutland Supported Self Help will be delivered via online video calls and telephone calls only.

After a simple assessment to see if the service is appropriate for you, our friendly and supportive Practitioners will empower you to try new tools and techniques designed to support and improve your mental health.

You and your practitioner will select one of eight pathways relevant to your current mental health situation:

  • Anxiety and panic attacks
  • Low mood
  • Low self-esteem
  • Stress
  • Feeling alone
  • Managing anger
  • Grief and loss
  • Menopause

From these pathways, you will try a range of self-help tools to improve and support your mental wellbeing, putting together a toolkit of resources that work best for you. Your practitioner will support you to do this in your weekly one-to-one sessions.

Who is it for?

Residents of Leicester City, Leicestershire and Rutland who are over the age of 18, and are starting to struggle with their mental health.

It raised my self-esteem… I feel I am more able to make decisions and plans. I have been able to off load and talk about issues that weighed heavily. I have been helped to find the tools to deal positively with some very negative issues in my life.

To Refer Yourself (Leicestershire only):

If you would like to refer yourself to our Supported Self Help programme please complete this online Referral Form:

Self-referral form 

To Refer Your Client (Leicestershire only):

If you are a Leicestershire Professional and would like to refer your client to our Supported Self Help programme please complete this online Referral Form:

Professional Referral Form

To Refer Yourself (Leicester City and Rutland):

If you would like to refer yourself to our Supported Self Help programme please complete this online Referral Form:

Self-referral via the the virtual referral assistant 

Please Note: This is a guided self-help service for people experiencing mild to moderate mental health problems, not a crisis mental health service. It also does not replace support provided by GPs or CPNs, or A&E.

A mental health crisis can be a medical emergency – Please seek help from the appropriate place if you are feeling intense emotions and you will be supported through your difficult feelings. We DO NOT recommend that you call Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Mind for this type of support as we do not have a crisis service.

Here are some places that you can receive support:

  • If you feel like your life is at risk, or if you have seriously harmed yourself, please call 999 immediately as this is an emergency. If you need medical help but can keep yourself safe for a while, call ‘NHS 111’ by dialling 111
  • If you need urgent NHS mental health support, call our Mental Health Central Access Point: 0808 800 3302

More Information

If you require any more information about our Supported Self Help Programme, or require any help completing the referral form, please contact us at: [email protected] or on 0116 216 4340

If you are a professional working across Leicester, Leicestershire or Rutland, we are happy to attend your team meeting to talk to you and your colleagues about the service and who it is aimed at.

Supported Self Help Leaflet