There’s a variety of reasons people choose to volunteer. For some, it can be a way to make a difference in the lives of others. While for some it provides a meaningful way to change career or get back into employment.

One thing is for certain though, the common factor in volunteering is that everybody who does it finds it both a challenging and a rewarding experience.

Benefits of volunteering:

Volunteering improves your social connections – Volunteering helps you to get out there and meet new people. It can be used to get to know your local community better or to connect with like-minded individuals. Either way, volunteering is an excellent way to boost your social life!

Volunteering can enhance your employment opportunities – Whether you have been out of work for a while or you’re moving into a new and exciting career, volunteering is brilliant for enhancing CVs and developing new skills and experiences. An additional bonus is that by networking with an array of providers and stakeholders, you may find yourself being offered paid employment opportunities through your voluntary position.

Volunteering improves your wellbeing – Research shows that acts of kindness are linked to health benefits which include:

  • Reduced levels of stress and depression
  • Lower levels of blood pressure
  • Increased confidence and self-esteem

Volunteering provides happiness and fulfilment – Various studies have shown that the act of giving can lead to:

  • An increase in happiness
  • A greater feeling of purpose

So if you have a passion for mental health, want to gain a valuable and rewarding experiencing whilst helping your local community or work with a leading mental health charity, take a look at our opportunities below.

Volunteering Opportunities

Unfortunately there are no vacancies currently, but keep checking as we update this page regularly.